Customer Service

Your Account

Your Details

You can view and change your contact details at any time. Modify your details on the Account Details page.

Change your password

We recommend that you change your password occasionally to maximise your security. Go to the Edit Account page to modify your password.

Purchases, Delivery and Returns

Your shopping cart

Your shopping cart contains any items you have ordered but not yet paid for at the checkout. Go to Cart to see your shopping cart contents.

Your order status

Are you wondering about your order? You can view the status of previous orders you have placed with us. Go to My Orders to see your shopping cart contents.


Did you receive something that is not quite right? Read our Returns Policy.

Privacy and Security


Your security is extremely important to us. Read the Security Information here to learn how we protect our customers’ details.

Concept Partners Privacy Policy

Find out what information we gather and how we use it. Read our Privacy Policy.



Our website prices are denominated in Australian dollars exclusive of GST.


Read the Tax Inforation to learn more about taxes charged.

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